Golf in Fife

Golf in Fife

Fife Golfing Assosiation provides administration services to more than 50 clubs playing 44 courses in an area that's bounded by the Firth of Tay to the north and Firth of Forth to the south, with inland boundaries to Perth & Kinkross and Clackmannashire.

At Fife's golfing epicentre lies St Andrews, famed the world ower as the Home of Golf, and it's here that the Links Trust manages seven courses in and around the "Auld Grey Toon". The area is synonymous with links golf and there are plenty of courses to choose from along the coastline though don't forget the inland layouts at The Duke's or Ladybank as these are two of the very best courses in the country.


St Andrews Old

No other course has hosted more Opens than the Old Course at St Andrews. It's 29th Open and the 144th Open Championship returned in 2015. St Andrews is the spiritual home of golf, the world's most famous golf course, the mother of golf. Probably was golf played here back in the 12th century, what is certain is that the Old Course is one of the oldest golf courses in the world


One of the many delights of Kingsbarns Golf Links is that you can see the North Sea from virtually every part of the course.

St Andrews New

Situated adjacent to the Old course, the New course at St Andrews is often reffered to as the local's favourite because it is tighter and more defined than the Old

St Andrews Castle

The Castle course is the newest ember of St Andrews Links Trust's portfolio and may be seen by some as the black sheep of the family dur to its unnatural links character...

Lundin Golf

Lundin Golf Club has a bit of everything: burns, blind drives, out-of-bounds, a nimiety of bunkers(many of which are deep and punishing),

the ever-present wind and truly excellent greens.

Scotscraig Golf

Scotscraig Golf Club is situated clode to the sea,

it's part heathland and part links. The hybrid course plays over undulating terrain and is used for Open Qualifying when the Open is at St Andrews.

Fairmont St Andrews


The Kittocks course ( previously known as the Delvin) sweeps alongside the rugged coastline where the wiews across St Andrews Bay towards the "auld grey toon" are sure to hold your attention.